Saturday, December 12, 2015


Fatherhood is a great role that most men have the opportunity to fulfill. A father's involvement is an essential part to the development of a child, physically and emotionally. There have recently been new findings that show that a father's involvement in a child's life can sometimes be even more essential than a mother's. Although mother's are so important, there have been studies to show that the father's are just as important and needed. According to "The Family: A Proclamation to the World", the fathers rolls are to preside, provide and protect. My father has been a great example in my life. I love him dearly and wish I hadn’t taken him for granted like I had when I was younger. I have learned so much from him and know I will be learning from him the rest of my life. I am so grateful that I was given my dad, I don’t think that I would be even remotely where I am without his guidance and counsel.

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